We believe that this documentary film, directed by Michael Gier and produced by Gier Productions, will literally save lives by giving hope to our veterans, 1st Responders, and any battling PTS as we show them the many successful treatments available without the use of prescribed drugs.
There is currently a suicide rate of 20+ veterans per day and also a very high suicide rate among our 1st responders. That's unbelievable. Many are suffering from post-traumatic stress when they try to get help, they're being prescribed too many drugs, and many of these drugs are black labeled because of the serious side effects associated with them. These side effects include depression, suicidal tendencies, and more. We interviewed one person who was on 16 different drugs, down from 18. He said the drugs weren't helping to solve the problem, they were just a band-aid to help hide the symptoms. Many will not get treatment because they do not want to be given a handful of prescription drugs; instead many of them self medicate with alcohol. We need real solutions that will actually help people get their lives back. By interviewing veterans, firefighters, police, doctors, and other experts, this documentary will show the many successful treatments available without prescription drugs. This will provide hope. As people find real solutions and not just band aids, they will get the help they need, and we believe that will lower the very high suicide rates and literally save lives. |